Watermelon Raspberry Lemonade

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I have a weakness for lemonade.


Strawberry lemonade, check. Raspberry lemonade, check. Mango lemonade, check. Arnold Palmers, check. Now… watermelon, raspberry lemonade… that sounds incredible!!! Brewed Together has this delicious recipe that is definitely on my summer drink list! What is your favorite summer drink?

Watermelon Slush

Love these DIY ideas as much as we do? Stay up to date on our latest findings by liking our facebook page at Home and Heart DIY Facebook!

Its warming up here, and today was almost 90! I know it is warming up in a lot of the country, and these watermelon slushes would be the perfect way to cool down.


As you know, if you have been reading I love simple and delicious. Shugary Sweets has done just that with these slushies. Just 3 ingredients. I know I am making these tomorrow for an afternoon cool down.

DIY Mason Jar Oil Lamp

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Summer is quickly approaching and so are summer BBQ’s. These mason jar oil lamps would be perfect.


The Spring  has this wonderful tutorial on how to make these adorable oil lamps. Perfect to provide some lighting for those late night BBQs, outside game nights, or just sitting on the back porch enjoying a glass of wine after a long summer day.

DIY Anchor Bracelet

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Anchor Bracelet

I’m not sure what it is about summer time, but it sure increases my love for all things nautical. I can’t get enough anchors! Art work, jewelry, throw pillows, bring it on! I really like this bracelet because it looks a little high end to me, and the thread is an unexpected element that lets you add your personal touch! Make two or three and stack them on wrist, or just one by itself would be cute! Happy DIY-ing!

(Source- unknown)

DIY Rustic Citronella Candles

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Citronella Candles

It’s never too late in the season to protect yourself from those pesky bugs – specifically mosquitos. Man, I hate those guys! We went for a walk by the river the other evening, and were eaten alive! Boo.

I’ve never been a fan of the way most citronella candles you can buy at the store look. I think they’re pretty cheesy. They already don’t smell the best, so why not create something that at least looks nice? Here is an amazing DIY from Glamorous Bride. The tutorial is not just for the outside of the candle, but you actually make the citronella as well! Love!

The Glamorous Bride – Rustic Citronella Candle DIY

Fresh Strawberry Freezer Jam Recipe

Love these DIY ideas as much as we do? Stay up to date on our latest findings by liking our facebook page at Home and Heart DIY Facebook!

Strawberry Jam

I cannot wait to try this! The recipe is so simple, calls for just a few ingredients and sounds absolutely delicious! There’s no canning, no heating, no waiting for jars to seal! So simple. I’m not a canner myself, and don’t plan on becoming one any time soon, so this recipe makes my heart really happy!  Here’s the Link…

The Baker Upstairs – Fresh Strawberry Jam Recipe

DIY Camping Hacks!

Love these DIY ideas as much as we do? Stay up to date on our latest findings by liking our facebook page at Home and Heart DIY Facebook!

Ok it’s officially time to get outside and enjoy summer while it’s still here! These DIY camping hacks are the perfect motivation to prepare for your next camping trip!

1. Coffee on the go with this coffee filter and dental floss DIY



2. Who says roasting is just for marshmallows and hot dogs? Try this crescent roll roast!



3. Genius! Perfect soft nightlight for in the tent!



4. Ready to go all in one firestarter!





5. Add bundles of Sage to the campfire to keep mosquitoes away!


There you have it! Now get out there and put these DIY Camping Hacks to good use! For more camping hack ideas check out- Buzz Feed