Cleaning spots on your carpet doesn’t need to be an arduous process!
Check out the 2 simple ways to cleaner carpets with Clean Mama. Only 2 ingredients are needed and its easy and stress free!
Cleaning spots on your carpet doesn’t need to be an arduous process!
Check out the 2 simple ways to cleaner carpets with Clean Mama. Only 2 ingredients are needed and its easy and stress free!
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This DIY drawer organization is brilliant!
This DIY drawer hack by ME and My DIY is a great way to utilize all the wasted space in a drawer. This would be great to use in the kitchen as well as in a bathroom.
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My fridge isn’t gross gross. It isn’t clean clean either. It is filled with gross nasty stuff though! Here is a nifty little trick to get our fridges cleaned up and less of an embarrassment!
Love these DIY ideas as much as we do? Stay up to date on our latest findings by liking our facebook page at Home and Heart DIY Facebook!
Ok it’s officially time to get outside and enjoy summer while it’s still here! These DIY camping hacks are the perfect motivation to prepare for your next camping trip!
1. Coffee on the go with this coffee filter and dental floss DIY
2. Who says roasting is just for marshmallows and hot dogs? Try this crescent roll roast!
3. Genius! Perfect soft nightlight for in the tent!
4. Ready to go all in one firestarter!
5. Add bundles of Sage to the campfire to keep mosquitoes away!
There you have it! Now get out there and put these DIY Camping Hacks to good use! For more camping hack ideas check out- Buzz Feed
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My feet can get pretty bad, especially in the summer time! This is a great tip that I’d never seen before but I’ve seen over and over again on the internet. I’m definitely going to give it a try!
Mix 1/4 c Listerine (any kind), 1/4 c vinegar and 1/2 c of warm water. Soak your feet for 10 minutes. Remove your feet, and wipe off the dead skin with a dry towel.
Source: Beauty Darling
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This is a really cool idea, and one that I’ve never heard of before! Self tanners are a risky product to buy. Does it smell nice? Will it leave me looking orange? Will it be streaky? How long will it last? And the list of unknowns goes on and on, not to mention not knowing what chemicals are in those tanners. Well what about tanning with tea?! Apparently this is a concept that goes back to WWII. Women couldn’t get their hands on nylons, so they would spray their legs with tea and draw a line on the back of their legs to make it appear they were wearing them! How cool is that?!
I love that this is an all natural, inexpensive, easy solution to add color to your skin! See Absolutely Pure for directions!
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As a chronic nail painter myself, this little solution could very well be the key for me to go au natural with my nails without them looking yellow and stained! Yay!
1. Buff the nail to get any surface stains off.
2. Combine 1/2 cup of hot water, 4 tablespoons of baking soda (stir that until it mostly dissolves – it won’t dissolve all the way) and 2 tablespoons of peroxide.
3. Allow your nails to soak for about a minute each hand. (Or more if you’d like, but a minute is really all you’ll need!)
4. Show off your beautiful nails!
(Source: Souls Never Wrinkle)
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This is one of those, “Why didn’t I think of that?!” posts. Warm crisp cake batter in minutes! All you need to do is follow your cake batter instructions, and then cook in the waffle maker just like you would a waffle!
I’m writing this in the morning and wondering, if it’s in the shape of a waffle does that mean it’s acceptable for me to eat for breakfast?