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We are a family of pizza eaters! We love it, but I hate laying down tons of cash every weekend and canned pasta marinara sauce is only so-so for a topping. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have a tasty homemade option? Well, here it is! DIY Homemade Pizza Sauce is the best!
This recipe is going to make quite a bit of sauce, so be ready with some space in the freezer or lots of friends you want to share this tasty treasure with! There are quite a few ingredients, but oh my, yum!
Pick up: 20 large tomatoes, chopped, 2 organic bell peppers, chopped, 2 large heads of garlic, peeled and chopped, 2 onions, peeled and diced, 1 bunch basil, de-stemmed and finely chopped, 4 cans tomato paste, 2 Tbsp paprika, 2 Tbsp kelp granules (optional), 2 Tbsp coconut sugar, and salt & pepper to taste.
Once you have all your ingredients, follow the link to find out what to do with them!-
Real Food RN