Bookshelves can add a lot to a room. They’re great for storage of all kinds, be it knick knacks, or actual literature. Here are some lovely ideas that range in difficulty. No matter where you’re at on your DIY journey, there’s something for everyone!
This may just be the cutest idea I’ve ever seen for books. This would make a great gift for a baby shower, or child’s birthday party!
I love what they did on the edges of the shelves. So creative!
3. The Most Inexpensive, Easy Bookshelf
Why didn’t I think of this?!
This is such a cute idea!
I love how modern this looks.
6. Geometric “60 Minute” Bookshelf
You might need to be a bit handy with a saw to try this one!
Paint them any color you like!
I LOVE pallets. They look amazing stained as well!
Already have an old bookshelf laying around? Give it a new look!
10. Binder Clip and Box Bookshelf
This idea for a bookshelf also looks very modern to me. It’s so simple to do too!