DIY Bouncy Balls

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Kids love bouncy balls. I am not totally sure what it is, but bust out a bouncy ball, and you have a group of kids entertained for hours.


With seriously, just a few ingredients, you can make these bouncy balls at home. Thanks to My Frugal Adventures she has this wonderful “recipe” that is sure to be a crowd pleaser. She also has some great “extra” tips that can be found at your local crafts stores to really make these bouncy balls perfect.

DIY Cupcake Holder

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You know when you make cupcake for a party, but you end up making enough for a small army? Here is the perfect solution.


Well, now you can send those leftovers home without the cupcakes turning into mush. This simple idea, made out of two plastic cups and some ribbon is genius. It would also be a great easy way to send extras home as party favors, saving you money. Found over at Home Cooking Memories they give you the full, great tutorial.

DIY Funfetti Candle

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I love funfetti cake, and I think it looks so fun and festive. Now you can have the smell of a fresh baking cake filling your home.


BethCakes has done a wonderful job giving you a step by step tutorial as well as a whole list of “ingredients.” This candle will smell so delicious, but please refrain from eating it. 🙂

DIY Candy Umbrella Shower Favors

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How adorable are these super simple umbrella’s? I think these would not only be cute for a baby shower favor, but also a spring party, or even an Easter party.


The whole tutorial can be found over at Unoriginal Mom. I just think these turned out so cute and would be a great idea for a budget friendly party.

Cinco De Mayo Party Recipes

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I may not be of the heritage, but I enjoy Mexican food and Mexican culture a lot. This year I am excited to throw a Cinco De Mayo Party and this is the site I am starting some of my delicious recipes from.

cinco de mayo

Lady Behind The Curtain has a whole list of these party worthy foods. Everything from Salsa, to great ideas for party decorating. Go check it out and have a margarita for me!

How to blow up balloons without helium

Love these DIY ideas as much as we do? Stay up to date on our latest findings by liking our facebook page at Home and Heart DIY Facebook!

Having a party? Forgot to run to the party store to fill up those balloons? Don’t freak out…


Mom to 2 little Divas has a great “science experiment” she did with her girls that any of us can learn from. With just a few simple at home, kitchen ingredients you can blow up your balloons at home.

Cinco de Mayo Pinata Cookies

Love these DIY ideas as much as we do? Stay up to date on our latest findings by liking our facebook page at Home and Heart DIY Facebook!

May is a long ways away but I couldn’t wait to share theses cookies! Cinco de Mayo Pinata Cookies are such a creative idea. They are as delicious as they are cute.
Cinco de Mayo Pinata Cookies

Cookies that have candies inside them? I love them more and more- How could you not? Here is the link-She Knows

DIY Tissue Tassel Garland

Love these DIY ideas as much as we do? Stay up to date on our latest findings by liking our facebook page at Home and Heart DIY Facebook!

I love to throw a good party, but on the cheap. This is such a great way to add some pazazz to your party decor.


Hostess With The Mostess has a great step by step tutorial with pictures to guide you along the way. Now, go throw that fabulous party. 🙂