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Do-it-yourself nail veterans, try something new and exciting with Glow in the Dark Nails! Make your own polish and give your nails a little glow!
This is a super easy one with instant results! You need glow sticks that match the color you are going for and the perfect shade of polish (or clear works with any color glow stick). Carefully cut the glow stick and pour into polish. Be careful not to spill-it stains! Shake it up and wait for a bit to see if it has the right glow. You can always add more. Remember you can’t add less, so start small and work up. I am excited about this! My next night out, yes! Check out all the details-Salon Styles
Quick question…. How long will the “glow” last????
Thanks for your question John. A normal glow stick last anywhere from 4-6 hours (longer if it is cold). This will be a little less because it has been put in something. Hope that helps!