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I hate cleaning my house! Lately I feel like I am channeling my inner Cinderella all day long! Somebody has to do it. I am always looking for new and better cleaners to get the job done. I am really liking DIY Clementine All Natural Cleaner!
What else would be in an all natural cleaner other than vinegar? You will need 4 clementines, distilled white vinegar, and a jar with a lid. Peel the clementines and eat them (I guess you could throw them away). Put the peels in the jar and cover with vinegar. This cleaner is great but isn’t an overnight-er. It needs to marinate for at least 10 days and up to 30 (be sure to shake it every once in a while). When your mix is ready, use 2 parts water and 1 part clementine solution. Now you are ready clean! Check out the link for DIY Clementine All Natural Cleaner-The Mama’s Girls